- Incentives for Quality in Friendly and Hostile Informational Environments, with Matthieu Glachant and Gabrielle Moineville. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 9(1): 242-274, 2017. [penultimate WP][doi:10.1257/mic.20150119]
- Rémunération des dirigeants et risque de fraude d'entreprise, with Thierry Lafay and Constance Monnier. Revue Economique 64(3), 457-467, 2013. [article]
- Correlation and Relative Performance Evaluation. Journal of Economic Theory, 147 (1), 93-117, 2012. [penultimate WP][doi:10.1016/j.jet.2011.11.016]
- Negotiating a Voluntary Agreement when Firms Self-regulate, with Matthieu Glachant. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 62 (1), 41-52, 2011. [penultimate WP][doi:10.1016/j.jeem.2011.03.002]
- Product Flexibility and Price Competition in Hotelling’s duopoly, with Thierry Lafay. Mathematical Social Sciences, 60 (1), 61-68, 2010. [doi:10.1016/j.mathsocsci.2010.03.006]
- The Organization of Extended Producer Responsibility in Waste Policy with Product Differentiation, with Matthieu Glachant. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 59 (1), 57-66, 2010. [doi:10.1016/j.jeem.2009.06.002]
- La responsabilité sociale de l'entreprise et les accords volontaires sont-ils complémentaires? with Matthieu Glachant. Economie et Prévision, n°190-191, 95-105, 2009. [article]
- Bayesian Improvement of the Phantom Voters Rule: An example of Dichotomic Communication. Mathematical Social Sciences, 55 (1), 1-13, 2008. [doi:10.1016/j.mathsocsci.2007.05.006]
- Informed Principal and Countervailing Incentives. Economics Letters, 94 (2), 240-244, 2007. [doi:10.1016/j.econlet.2006.06.039]
- Concurrence en catalogue dans le duopole d'Hotelling, with Thierry Lafay. Revue Economique, 57 (3), 573-581, 2006. [article]
Book chapters
- Voluntary Approaches in the Policy Cycle, with Matthieu Glachant and Gabrielle Moineville. in Corporate Social Responsibility: from Compliance to Opportunity?, ed. J-P Ponssard & P. Crifo, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris 2010.
Working papers and mimeos (drafts available upon request)
- Game of Frauds, with Thierry Lafay and Constance Monnier.
- Endogenous Correlation and Moral Hazard, with René Kirkegaard.
- Communication Strategies of NGOs: Theory and Evidence, with Mathieu Couttenier, Matthieu Glachant and Sophie Hatte.
- The Incentive Properties of Collective Reputation, with Wanda Mimra and Angelo Zago.
- Regulating Collective Reputation Markets [pdf] [pres]
(replaces "Collective Reputation and Market Structure: Regulating the Quality vs Quantity Trade-Off"). Revise & Resubmit, Journal of Industrial Economics.
- The Incentive Value of Deadlines.
- Collective versus Relative Incentives: the Agency Perspective, with Nicolas Roux [pdf]
- Labelling Contests with Endogenous Precision, with Béatrice Roussillon and Paul Schweinzer.
- Pesticide Regulation: The Case of French Wine, with Joël Aka and Christophe Deola.
Media and wide audience (in French)
- Quel profit derrière le gratuit? Sorbonne Econ Blog, 15/10/2013.
- Les liaisons dangereuses: fraude d'entreprise et rémunération des dirigeants, with Thierry Lafay and Constance Monnier, Les Echos, 09/07/2013.
- La théorie des incitations: perspectives et défis. PSE, Entretien croisé avec David Martimort, 19/04/2013.
- Comment le Prix Nobel d'économie peut vous aider à trouver la femme idéale... with Eduardo Perez-Richet, Latribune.fr, 17/12/2012.